Thursday, November 04, 2004

Thursday 11/4 links

Finally someone says it, and it happens to be National Review Online columnist Ramesh Ponnuru: screw bipartisanship. We won.

The Washington Times' superb chief political correspondent Donald Lambro analyzes the "Two huge trendlines [that] emerged from Tuesday's election: continuing decline of the Democrats in wide swaths of electoral territory across the South and West and growing Republican majorities in Congress."

Asia Times columnist "Spengler": "It's the culture, stupid."

Weekly Standard publisher
William Kristol calls it: "The hair-pullers and teeth-gnashers won't like it, of course, but we're nevertheless inclined to call this a Mandate."

New York Post political analyst/columnist
Dick Morris concludes: "George W. Bush was re-elected on Tuesday because the Hispanic vote, long a Democratic Party preserve, shifted toward the president's side."

Syndicated columnist
Ann Coulter sneers that "I guess John Kerry went into the primary without a plan to win the election."

Los Angeles Times columnist
Max Boot displays real historical perspective in his admiration of "Bush's Solid, McKinley-Style Victory."

National Review Online columnist
Tim Graham catalogues in some detail the comprehensive media bias against Pres. Bush.

Wall Street Journal columnist
Peggy Noonan reckons that the biggest losers in the election were the mainstream media.

This one is fascinating:
Christopher Pellerito on the Samizdata blogsite: "Not only is Kerry the '60s candidate, but he also apparently employed a campaign strategy that would have given the election in the '60s. If Kerry had won the same bundle of states that gave him 252 electoral votes in this election, but the states were still valued according to the Congressional apportionment based on the Census of 1960, he would have won the election, 270 electoral votes to 268." (Hat tip to Wretchard/Belmont Club)

Chicago Sun-Times columnist
Robert Novak: "Democrats face bitter reality of minority-party status."

Syndicated columnist
Thomas Sowell believes that the US just had "A Narrow Escape."

New York Sun writer Julia Levy reports that "It's a Dismal Day for Bush-Haters."

Arthur Chrenkoff predicts that the European leaders now will stop acting bitchy and come to terms with Pres. Bush.

New York Post columnist
Amir Taheri crows about the reaction to the election within certain circles: "The European elites had spent much of Tuesday evening dreaming about how a President Kerry would ratify the Kyoto accords, sign on to the International Criminal Court, cut and run in Iraq, send flowers to Yasser Arafat and, perhaps, open a dialogue with Osama bin Laden. When it became clear that the American voters wanted none of that, the chattering classes in Europe were left speechless."

Reuters reports that Russian premier Vladimir Putin was pleased that Pres. Bush was reelected: "I am convinced that international terrorism gave itself the goal of not allowing the re-election of Bush. The statement by bin Laden in the final stages of the pre-election campaign is the best confirmation of this."

Washington Post columnist
George F. Will: "Democrats cannot disguise from the people their bewilderment about how to appeal to a country that is so backward, they think, that it finds Bush appealing."

Hugh Hewitt declares that the sixties finally ended Tuesday.

The Israeli ex-spook website DEBKA reports that the Israeli right is thrilled that Bush won, and that the Israeli left is distraught. Sort of like here.

A bad week for Democrats, indeed. Reuters correspondent
David Ljunggren reports that "Unhappy Democrats Must Wait to Get Into Canada."

Time to get down to business. New York Post columnist
Ralph Peters: "And now, Fallujah."

Jerusalem Post columnist
Uri Dan describes the "Danse Macabre."