Monday, September 27, 2004

More links

John Kerry is a fraud, as Ann Althouse illustrates convincingly in a series of postings from her blogsite over the past six months.

National Review Online columnist
Jay Nordlinger ("Impromptus") gets it pitch-perfect: "The Kerry campaign has reached rock bottom. ... I'm talking about its moral status. Its behavior during Prime Minister Allawi's visit to the United States was appalling."

Washington Times columnist David Limbaugh has an interesting theory: Kerry's flip-flopping conceals a more serious character flaw--he's "a fundamentally dishonest person."

The pseudonymous Asia Times columnist
"Spengler" warns Muslims that Pres. Bush meant what he said: when it comes to terrorism--by our definition--you're either with us or against us. And that includes indirect supporters and enablers.

Ottawa Citizen columnist
David Warren has "Some Bad News" about the Iranian nukes and Israel's recent purchase of "bunker buster" bombs: "Since Iran has the Shihab-3 missiles to drop nuclear weapons on Tel Aviv, once they have the bombs, and the Israelis have never been casual about existential threats, I wouldn't be surprised to see something happen. And it might have to happen before the U.S. election, spreading political fallout everywhere."

This is astonishing:
Jackson Diehl, a Washington Post columnist who is substantially to the left-of-center, now admits that Israel's iron fist anti-terrorism strategy--the cause of so much bitter hand-wringing among the usual suspects--actually worked. And it may provide lessons we can apply in Fallujah. Or maybe not.

Belmont Club blogger
"Wretchard" extracts the lesson supplied by the Damascus Hamas hit; ie, that the West, including Russia, will now go after terrorists everywhere: "Khalil lived in an unguarded compound in Damascus, in an ordinary residential neighborhood, free to plot the deaths of Jewish civilians. His armor was neither Kevlar nor steel but the certainty -- until now -- that Israel would not attack him across an 'international' border."

And who put the finger on the guy? According to Tel Aviv
Ha'aretz, "a report in the Al-Hayat daily ... said an Arab country had given the Israeli spy agency Mossad information about the movements and habits of Hamas leaders abroad."

According to DEBKA, this also was a warning to Syria re any plans it may be considering about causing Israel trouble (via terrorist proxies) during the Gaza withdrawal.

Ben Lynfield of The Christian Science Monitor: "'Khalil was the Salah Shehadeh of Damascus,' says a former [Israeli] security official who requested anonymity. He was referring to the chief military leader of Hamas in Gaza who was assassinated by a one-ton bomb dropped on his residence in Gaza City two years ago."

Blogger/talkradio host
Hugh Hewitt handicaps the first debate. Watch for two things: (1) a Kerry stunt; and (2) subtle pro-Kerry bias from moderator Jim Lehrer of PBS.

Chicago Sun-Time columnist
Robert Novak reveals that the CIA is trying to smear Pres. Bush. Power Line blogger "Hindrocket," aka John H. Hinderaker, elaborates.

New York Times columnist
William Safire analyzes "The Kidnap Weapon."

James Lileks has fun with the long New York Times Magazine cover piece that fixated on an obscure leftish blogger while international headlines were being generated by revelations from bloggers to her right. That's the Timesview: "What’s more compelling? A story about someone who attracts 20 million uninteresting people, or someone who attracts 100,000 people who are Just Like Us?"

Jon R. Anderson of the US military newspaper Stars and Stripes reports that the Germans threw a hissy fit and pulled out of a NATO exercise because Ralph Peters wrote a New York Post column stating that the Germans cared more about the jobs being lost by the US withdrawal from German bases than about the loss of the US troops. Really. (Hat tip to Glenn Reynolds and David Kaspar.)

Now here is something important: New York Magazine provides an in-depth look at "The Secrets of the Deli Trade."

New Yorker "Shouts & Murmurs" columnist
Christopher Buckley (son of William F.) supplies a tongue-in-cheek look at the debate rules' fine print.